Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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A Month to Thank God
Friend, praise the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. I know it is well with you and even that which seems not to be in alignment, God will do it for you in Jesus Mighty name, Amen. My wife and I are doing well and are thankful to the Lord for His continued grace and love towards us.
This month, shall be to us “A Month to Thank God”
The Bible says in Psalms 75:1 “We give thanks to you, God, We give thanks, for your Name is near. Men tell about your wondrous works.”
Friend; that you are alive and reading this mail is a testimony in itself. Many would have desired to be alive today but they have not been privileged like you. This is cause to give Him thanks. He is the Life-giver, the Author of Life, the Sustainer of our lives, our Healer, our All in all. Give Him thanks because it is His mercies that have kept you. Give Him thanks because it is His love that has upheld you.
Friend, you must have read or heard about the devastation caused by hurricane Isaac when it hit the US and the Islands. Many were left dead, others homeless and many lost all that they have. But for you, God has shielded you amidst all the problems, trials and devastation that we see all around. Take a moment and tell God ‘Thank You”. The Psalmist says “We give thanks to you, God, for your name is near”. Friend, when you call on the name of the Lord, you will be delivered from the schemes of the enemy. If you only knew the many things that He has rescued you from and the many times He has delivered you out of the mouth of the fowler, you would be amazed. Open your mouth and give Him praise. Give Him thanks for all that He has done for you, the promotion, the increase in ministry, the reunion, the money that you received, the favors on the left and on the right, the good report of the doctors, the good grades your children got, it is God’s doing and it is marvelous.
Sometimes, the miracles may look small in your eyes but friend no miracle is too small - “men are telling about His wondrous works”. Let me also assure you that God’s mighty works never cease. This means, expect several miracles to be in motion in your favor in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. God tells us that He will daily load us with benefits, expect loads of benefits this month in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. In Psalm 103, the Psalmist says, “Bless the Lord O my soul”. May this be our portion in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. May God fill your heart with a joyful spirit, a thankful heart all the days of your life. May praises never cease from you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Remember, our level of gratitude will determine our altitude in God. He who thanks God positions himself for the next miracle. Look at what Psalm 100 says " On your feet now - applaud God. Bring a gift of laughter, sing yourselves into His presence. Know this, God is God, and God, GOD. He made us; we didn't make Him. We are His people, His well-tended sheep. Enter with this password: "Thank you". Make yourselves at home, talking praise. Thank Him. Worship Him. For God is sheer beauty, all-generous in love, loyal always and ever." (The Message Bible)
Agree with me in prayer:-
Lord, today, we just want to say thank you for all that you have done for us. You have done so much that we don’t even know where to start to thank you. Thank you for your plans for us. We agree with the Psalmist, “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand” (Psalm 139:17-18). I thank you today for your loving kindness, your tender mercies and your faithfulness towards me. Create in me a heart of gratitude that I may always remember to thank you. Amen.
Friend, may your heart be full of thanksgiving in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.
Bro Chester